Sunday, October 17, 2010

Quick Thinking!

I have a patient who is a bus aid for a local school district.  She helps kids with behavioral, medical and other handicaps while they are riding the bus.

This year, she has a male teenager with a severe behavior disorder.  According her her, this young man can be very unruly and she has to constantly remind him what the rules of the bus are.

One morning, he was particularly wound up, and my patient sternly reminded him to behave.

The young man retorted:  "My grandma has those."
Patient:  "Those, what?"
Teenager:  "Those hearing things in your ears."
Patient:  "No, I don't think your grandma has what I have."
Teenager:  "Yeah, she has trouble hearing, so she has those hearing things in her ears to help her hear."
Patient:  "Well, these aren't hearing aids, these are my transmitters."
Teenager:  "Transmitters?"
Patient:  "Yes.  This one [pointing to left hearing aid] goes to the police station, and this one [pointing to right hearing aid] goes to the bus garage.  Whenever someone is misbehaving, all I have to do is push the button on my transmitters and they can hear EVERYTHING that is going on on this bus."

Silence.  And a well-behaved 14 year old.



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