Tuesday, May 29, 2012

more from Joyce in Africa

Joyce's Africa Journal:

(MAY 25) Another amazing day in Africa. How priviledged we are to see all of this. Today an early morning game drive let us see zebras and giraffes in their natural habitats. Then a camel ride where I got to kiss Sammie my camel, and where I screamed a couple of times getting up and getting down. A late afternoon game drive seeing rhinos, giraffes, zebras gazelles, hyeneas, african wild dogs. Actually saw the wild dogs hunt a heyena and we were terrified that they were going to kill it within 5 feet of our van. Luckily he got away but our guide was sure that he would be killed later tonight.

(MAY 28) We are continuing our African journey. We spent 2 nights in tents with giraffes, zebras elephants, gazelles, and all sorts of birds. The tent thing was fun but nice to go on to Lake Nakura and a real room.. There we saw elephant herds, and amazing giraffes. It is sad when seeing all of the above is an everyday experience. We saw our first lions at the Lake and they were so amazing--none of the animals are afraid of us and we get within 4 or 5 feet at times. Today we are at Masa Mara and we came across a 12 lion pride that woke up and started their hunt while we watched--again no more than 10 feet.

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